Shop Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1911

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 207

UDK: 658.01 Tay

With an introduction by Henry R. Towne

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132 SHOP MANAGEMENT general way that under the new order of things they are cooperating with their employers to make as great a saving as possible and that they will receive permanently their fair share of this gain. Then after the men acquiesce in the new order of things and are willing to do their part toward cheapen- ing production, it will take time for them to change from their old easy-going ways to a higher rate of speed, and to learn to stay steadily at their work, think ahead and make every minute count. A cer- tain percentage of them, with the best of intentions, will fail in this and find that they have no place in the new organization, while still others, and among them some of the best workers who are, however, either stupid or stubborn, can never be made to see that the new system is as good as the old; and these, too, must drop out. Let no one imagine, however, that this great change in the mental attitude of the men and the increase in their activity can be brought about by merely talking to them. Talking will be most useful — in fact indispensable — and no oppor- tunity should be lost of explaining matters to them patiently, one man at a time, and giving them every chance to express their views. Their real instruction, however, must come through a series of object lessons. They must be convinced that a great increase in speed is possible by seeing here and there a man among them increase his pace and double or treble his output. They must see this pace maintained until they are convinced that it is not a mere spurt; and, most important of all, they must see the men who “get there” in this way