Shop Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1911

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 207

UDK: 658.01 Tay

With an introduction by Henry R. Towne

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40 SHOP MANAGEMENT After this system has been in operation for a year or two, if no cuts in prices have been made, the tendency of the men to soldier on that portion of the work which is being done under the system is diminished, although it does not entirely cease. On the other hand, the tendency of the men to soldier on new work which is started, and on such portions as are still done on day work, is even greater under the Towne-Halsey plan than under piece work. To illustrate: Workmen, like the rest of mankind, are more strongly influenced by object lessons than by theories. The effect on men of such an object lesson as the following will be apparent. Suppose that two men, named respectively Smart and Honest, are at work by the day and receive the same pay, say 20 cents per hour. Each of these men is given a new piece of work which could be done in one hour. Smart does his job in four hours (and it is by no means unusual for men to soldier to this extent). Honest does his in one and one-half hours. Now, when these two jobs start on this basis under the Towne-Halsey plan and are ultimately done in one hour each, Smart receives for his job 20 cents per hour 4- a premium of V = 20 cents = a total of Jß cents. Honest receives for his job 20 cents per hour + a premium of = 3| cents = a total of 231 cents. Most of the men in the shop will follow the example of Smart rather than that of Honest and will “soldier” to the extent of three or four hundred per cent, if allowed to do so. The Towne-Halsey system shares with ordinary piece work then, the greatest evil of the latter, namely