Shop Management
Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor
År: 1911
Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers
Sted: New York and London
Sider: 207
UDK: 658.01 Tay
With an introduction by Henry R. Towne
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that its very foundation rests upon deceit, and under
both of these systems there is necessarily, as we have
seen, a great lack of justice and equality in the
starting-point of different jobs.
Some of the rates will have resulted from records
obtained when a first-class man was working close to
his maximum speed, while others will be based on
the performance of a poor man at one-third or one-
quarter speed.
The injustice of the very foundation of the system
is thus forced upon the workman every day of his
life, and no man, however kindly disposed he may be
toward his employer, can fail to resent this and be
seriously influenced by it in his work. These sys-
tems are, therefore, of necessity slow and irregular
in their operation in reducing costs. They “drift”
gradually toward an increased output, but under
them the attainment of the maximum output of a
first-class man is almost impossible.
Objection has been made to the use of the word
“drifting” in this connection. It is used absolutely
without any intention of slurring the Towne-Halsey
system or in the least detracting from its true merit.
It appears to me, however, that “drifting” very
accurately describes it, for the reason that the man-
agement, having turned over the entire control of the
speed problem to the men, the latter being influenced
by their prejudices and whims, drift sometimes in
one direction and sometimes in another; but on the
whole, sooner or later, under the stimulus of the
premium, move toward a higher rate of speed. This
drifting, accompanied as it is by the irregularity and