A Practical Manual On Sea Water Distillation
With A Description Of The Necessary Machinery For The Process

Forfatter: Frank Normandy

År: 1909

Forlag: Charles Griffen & Co., LTD.

Sted: London

Sider: 244

UDK: 663.6

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THE EVAPORATOR. 8l paring the effect of the three primary pressures, let us first take the primary pressure of 25 lbs. per square inch, which has a “ sensible ” heat of 266° (i.e., 54° above 212°, the temperature of the sea water outside the coils). 30. Say also that, from experience of a particular make of evaporator, it has been found that x square feet of heating surface (i.e., outer coil surface) suffices for evaporating the required quantity of 1 ton per hour, with the specified primary steam—that is, with primary steam 54° hotter (sensibly) than the boiling sea water outside the coils. 31. Now, take for comparison a primary steam of 10 lbs. pressure, whose sensible heat is 239°—i.e., only 27° hotter than 212°, the temperature of the boiling sea water outside the coil. It is clear that to generate the same amount of secondary steam—viz., 1 ton in the hour—double the surface will be required, so that for this primary pressure of 10 lbs. we shall require^ surface of 2x (whatever x may be), as the intensity of the heat presented to the coil surface (27°) is only half^what it was with 25 lbs. pressure (viz., 54°). 32. For the same reason, if the primary pressure is raised to, say, 75 lbs., the temperature of such steam being 320°, or 108° hotter than 212°, the temperature of the secondary steam—all conditions remaining the same— as 108° is double the intensity of the heat of the steam at 25 lbs. pressure, the heating surface can be halved, and is, therefore, only | x. 33. This is carried out in practice, so that whatever number of square feet of surface is allowed for a pres- sure inside the coil of 25 lbs. per square inch, double that amount must be allowed, if the evaporator is to have a 6