A Practical Manual On Sea Water Distillation
With A Description Of The Necessary Machinery For The Process

Forfatter: Frank Normandy

År: 1909

Forlag: Charles Griffen & Co., LTD.

Sted: London

Sider: 244

UDK: 663.6

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1 I 2 SEA WATER DISTILLATION. controlled by the spindle end of the float (F), which rises as the water rises in excess of what flows away at (C). The hole (C) is of suitable size for letting out a proper quantity of water, when the level is at a height regulated by the controlling effect of the float. As the water flowing from (C) would, by its gravitation, or by pump action, have a drawing effect on the water in the box over the hole (C), small holes (H) are provided to prevent any such action. These holes (H) also act as a means for inspecting the flow of water running through hole (C), which should be in a steady, unbroken column or stream of water when a proper flow of water is taking place. 98. The type of feed box in Fig. 11 is, however, de- signed for passing a fixed quantity of water, irrespective of the amount of feed-water that is evaporated. If it is desired to regulate the feed so as to be always in due proportion to the evaporation, it is advantageous to have a feed regulator of the type shown in Fig. 12, which con- sists of two boxes with a pair of balance floats (!■) and (S). As the distilled water enters at (E) and gradually fills the box with (F) float in it, the float is thus raised, and as it rises, it gradually depresses the float (S), thus causing it to gradually open (by means of a piston valve) the inlet (G) for admission of sea water. When the fresh water and sea water rise to a certain height these waters respectively run out into side boxes (A) and. (B) through orifices (C) and (D), in quantities depending upon the height the levels are above these orifices. The fresh water continuing to rise in the (F) float box thus constantly regulates the sea water entering the box with the (S) float in it, so that the sea water leaving the side box (B) is always in due proportion to the fresh water leaving the side box (A). The action of this type of regulator is