A Practical Manual On Sea Water Distillation
With A Description Of The Necessary Machinery For The Process

Forfatter: Frank Normandy

År: 1909

Forlag: Charles Griffen & Co., LTD.

Sted: London

Sider: 244

UDK: 663.6

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XX CONTENTS. Gained Water. Sections. Land Apparatus includes Boiler Steam,............................. 10 Primary Water sometimes Returned to Boiler, .... 11,12 Ordinary Land Apparatus Described,................................ 13 (B) Successive Distillations. (1) Single Distillation Type. Heat Required for Boiler only, and with no Evaporator, , . 14, 15 (2) Double Distillation Type. Heat Required Compared with One Evaporator added, . . 16 (3) Treble Distillation Type. Two Evaporators Used,............................................. yr Boiler Pressure Increased,........................................ jg (4) Quadruple and Multiple Distillation Type. Increased Economy by adding Evaporators,.......................... 19 Economy Compared in the above various Types from Single to Quadruple, and to Sextuple Distillation, .... 20' Boiler Pressure. Adjustment of Pressure for each Type...............................21 Limitation of Multiple System. Limit to Size of Boiler and Pressures, .... 22-24 Economy and Time Productions. Distinction Between, . o- Summary of Types. Points of Successive Distillation Summarised, .... 26, 27 Diminishing Economy. First Evaporator of any Type the most Effective, ... 28