A Practical Manual On Sea Water Distillation
With A Description Of The Necessary Machinery For The Process

Forfatter: Frank Normandy

År: 1909

Forlag: Charles Griffen & Co., LTD.

Sted: London

Sider: 244

UDK: 663.6

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one in each engine-room—that is, one on the starboard side and the other on the port side. Note.—The above description of the Double Distiller for use on steam ships is intended for the present to be a mere outline of the type ordinarily used at sea. The various parts referred to will, later on, be dealt with in detail, and the system of working be more thoroughly explained. (Z>) For Land Stations. 10. For land apparatus the double distillation type, working very much in the same manner as just explained for ships, may be used, but besides apparatus of double distillation type, there is the type usually called single distillation, which is less economical of fuel than the double distillation (if fuel economy is not required), whilst there are types, usually referred to as Treble, Quadruple, and Multiple distillation, which are consider- ably more economical of fuel than the Double distilla- tion apparatus. These will be described more fully later on. Uses for Land Apparatus. 11. The uses to which distilling machinery on land is put are very numerous. Large installations, generally of the multiple distillation type, are most common abroad, where the apparatus is placed on the sea shore. The sea water is pumped up from the sea, and is then converted into fresh water, mostly for drinking, but the production of pure water from sea water, or from other water im- pregnated more or less with saline matter, is obtained from distilling machinery of various types. Thus at places like Aden, the sea water is distilled into fresh