A Practical Manual On Sea Water Distillation
With A Description Of The Necessary Machinery For The Process

Forfatter: Frank Normandy

År: 1909

Forlag: Charles Griffen & Co., LTD.

Sted: London

Sider: 244

UDK: 663.6

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20 SEA WATER DISTILLATION. TABLE B.—Percentage Composition of (English Channel) Sea Water Chloride of sodium (common salt), „ magnesium, . „ potassium. Sulphate of magnesia, „ lime, Carbonate of lime, Bromide of calcium, Traces of a great many other salts, Total saline matter, Ordinary water, Sea water, . 2’806 \ 0-366 ■ 0-076 ) 0’23 ) 0-14 i 0'003 i 0-003 i 3-248 0-37 0-006 3-624 0-003 3-627 96-373 100-000 Taking the above saline matter only, the percentage would be as follows :— Chloride of soamm, ,, magnesium, . „ potassium, Sulphate of magnesia, „ lime, Per cent. . 2-806 = 77-3 . 0-366 = 10-1 . 0-076 = 2 1 . 0-230 = 6-3 . 0-140 = 3-8 Sundries, .... 3-618 = 99'6 . 0-009 0-4 Total saline matter . . 3’627 = 100-0 7. Faraday’s analysis of sea water was 32 parts of saline matter in 1,000 parts of sea water, and in that proportion the analysis was as follows :—