A Practical Manual On Sea Water Distillation
With A Description Of The Necessary Machinery For The Process

Forfatter: Frank Normandy

År: 1909

Forlag: Charles Griffen & Co., LTD.

Sted: London

Sider: 244

UDK: 663.6

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26 SEA WATER DISTILLATION. temperature of 200° F., and its relative buoyancy in water at the same temperature (200° F.) containing proportions of salt dissolved in it varying from 1 to 3 parts TABLE C.—Boiling Point and Specific Gravity of Brine at various Strengths. Salinity (in 32nds) of Saline Matter. Temperature at Boiling Point. °F. Specific Gravity. J 2132 1-029 2 214-4 1-058 3 215-5 1-087 4 216'7 1-116 5 217-9 1145 6 219-1 1-174 7 220-3 1-203 8 221-5 1-232 9 222'7 1-261 10 223-8 1-290 11 225-0 1-319 12 220'1 1 -348 (Saturation). TABLE CC.—Comparative Weight of Sea Water and Brines at various Temperatures and Strengths of Salinity. Tempera- ture. °F. Weight of 1 Cubic Foot (in pounds avdp.). Distilled Water. Sea Water. Strength. Brines. Strength. 3'5 per cent. J. 7l‘l A 40 62-41 64'60 6436 06’31 68'20 00 62-33 64-48 64-3 66-22 68-17 80 62 16 64-30 04-11 0606 68-01 100 61-93 64-07 (53-90 65-83 67’78 120 61'64 63'82 63'59 6554 6747 140 61-32 6349 6330 65-28 67-25 160 60-93 63-07 62-90 64-83 06'78 180 60-51 62-20 62'40 64-41 60-36 200 60-06 62-10 62’05 63-69 05*01 212 59-83 6200 61'64 63-45 65-20