China's New Industrial Enterprises
År: 1915
Sider: 64
UDK: 338(51) Chi
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Some Phases of China’s New Industrial Enterprises.
The Republic of China and the United States of America are the two
greatest republics of the .World. In age China is a much older country, being
founded several thousand years before the United States. With respect to the
progress of civilization and the development of modern industrial enterprises,
America is far in advance of China. In spite of the long distance which separates
these two nations from each other, their relationship has been most cordial and
intimate. In 1910 a party of American business men, numbering twenty-five
in all, paid a visit to our country. The visit of these men of knowledge and
experience benefited China more than in one way. China at that time also en-
tertained the idea of organizing a similar party to visit America, but before the
idea had received its fullest consideration, her form of government suddenly
underwent a change. This caused the disbandment of the laudable idea, to the
disappointment of many. Little was dreamed at the time that after a period of
five years an opportunity would present itself to enable China to carry out the
desired scheme.
This opportunity is the holding of the Panama-Pacific International Ex-
position in 1915 for the commemoration of the completion of the gigantic work
undertaken by the United States at the Panama Canal. Besides establishing a
special bureau for the collection and selection of native products for the Exposition,