Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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92 MOLESWORTH'S POCKET-BOOK Surcharged Walls. In calculating the strength of surcharged walls, substitute Y for H. Y being the perpendicular at the end of a line, L = H, measured, along the slope to be retained. Y = 1‘71 Hin slopes of 1 tol = 1'55H „ „ = 1-45H „ „ 2 „1 = 1-3111 „ „ 3 „1 = 1-24H „ „ 4 „1 Brickwork. 1 rod of brickwork =s 272 sup. ft., 1| brick thick. n „ = 111 cub. yds. = 306 cub. ft. „ = 4350 bricks, average work. n == 5370 bricks, laid dry. 36 bricks flat, or 52 on edge = 1 yard paving. No. of bricks in 1 cubic yard = 384. 1 load of mortar ..........=1 cubic yard. 2 load of sand.............=1 „ „ 3 bag of cement .. .. . = 3 bushels. 4 sack of cement .........= 5 „ 5 cubic yard, brickwork re- i 6| cubic feet sand, quires about...............J 2| „ lime. 330 stock bricks weigh 1 ton. 1000 „ „ 60f cwt. 1000 bricks closely stacked occupy about 55 cubic feet. Bricks absorb about of their weight. A bricklayer’s hod measures 16" x 9" x 9 in. „ „ „ contains 20 bricks. „ „ „ „ „ | a bushel of mor- tar, or I cubic foot.