Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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97 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Portland Cement. Conclusions derived from Mr. Grant's Experiments. 1. Portland cement improves by age, if kept from moisture. 2. The longer it is in setting the stronger it will be. 3. At the end of a year, 1 of cement to 1 sand is about f ths the strength of neat cement; 1 to 2 about i strength ; 1 to 8 about |rd; 1 to 4, |th ; 1 to 5 about ith. 4. The cleaner and sharper the sand the greater the strength. 5. Strong cement is heavy ; blue grey, slow-set- ting. Quick-setting cement has generally too much clay in its composition—is brownish and weak. 6. The less water used in mixing up the cement the better. 7. Bricks, stones, &c., used with cement should be well soaked. 8. Cement setting under still water will be stronger than if kept dry. 9. Blocks of brickwork or concrete should be kept in water until required for use. 10. Salt-water is as good as fresh for mixing cement. 11. Bricks of neat Portland cement are equal to Blue bricks, Bramley-Fall stone, or Yorkshire landings (in a few months). 12. Bricks of 1 cement to 4 or 5 of sand are equal to picked stock bricks. n