Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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119 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Screw Piles. CAST-IKON SCREW FILE. Lengths, 9 feet; iiianietef, outside, 2 feet 6 inches; metal 1 inch thick; thread of screw, f at point, 2| at root; pitch of screw, 7 inches. Flanges If thick, with 10 bolts 1 inch in diameter. Diameter of screw 4 feet 6 inches, screwed 20 to 45 feet into ground, by 4 levers each 10 feet long, each lever having 8 bullocks yoked to it. A more manageable arrangement is a capstan head on the pile, with rail arms and ropes passing twice round their ends to a crab-winch. Weight of bottom length about li ton, intermediate lengths H ton; bracing per bay, about 0 • 31 tons. A pier of 2 piles 40 feet long with bracing weighs about 16 tons. Screw Pile Jetties. SOLID WROUGHT-IKON FILE Distance of centres apart, 15 feet; diameter of pile, 6 inches; lengths, 18 to 25 feet; screw, 3 feet 6 inches diameter; 2 feet 6 inches deep; metal at root of blade, 2£ inches thick; dia- meter of boss, 9i inches; diameter of coupling, 10£ inches; length of ditto, 21 inches; coupling key, 2 X 1, recessed i inch; steel pin through coupling li inch diameter, i inch taper; clips for bracing, 9 inches wide, 10 ihches long, j inch thick. Pile, -where inserted in shoe, reduced f Inch on two sides by two flats; bracing of channel iron, 4|" X U" X