Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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120 Molesworth’s pocket-book Hydraulic Piles. bottom length. These piles were sunk for a railway viaduct over the sands In Morecambe Bay. Spans, 30 feet; two main and two raking piles per pier; rake of piles, 1 in 12. Piles in lengths of 9 feet, 10 inches diameter outside; metal f thick. Diameter of discs of main pile, 30 inches; ditto of raking pile, 18 Inches. Sustaining power of sand, about 5 tons per square foot. Average depth sunk below surface of sand, 20 feet; ditto at opening spans, 26 feet; piles defended from scour by a weir of rubble stone. Orifice at disc, for discharge of water, 2 inches diameter. MODS OF SINKING. The piles were sunk from pontoons, each pontoon being filled with a pile engine and a donkey engine about 2 horse- power. Mr. Brunlees recommends for future operations the fitting of the pontoons with sufficient appliances for sinking all the piles of a pier simultaneously. The piles are lashed to the block of the pile engine, which acts as a guide; there is another guide low down on the pontoon; the pile hangs with a loose chain, so that its weight assists in the sinking. When attachment is made with a flexible hose to the donkey engine, and the water pumped in issuing at, the orifice washes away the sand in the marly deposit, an alternating rotatory motion is given, by which the cutters cast on the disc loosen the marl and allow it to be washed away. Piles are drawn by pumping and lifting the pile by means of the pile engine. Two piles generally fixed during an ebb tide.