Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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129 OF ENGINEERING FOEMULÆ. Moment of Inertia. (Graphic Construction.) Divide the section into convenient layers; then with auy scale set out successively on a horizontal line lengths proportional to the area of each layer respectively ; making the total length D B = the area of the section ; also draw the perpendicular D C — J D B; join B C, and from the points set out as above draw vector lines radiating to C. Then from the horizontal lines which passthrough the centres of gravity of each layer respectively draw lines parallel to each vector respectively as shown in the diagram, forming a polygon. The intersection of the lines bj in the polygon deter- mines the position of the neutral axis. The lines of the polygon are denoted by the same letters as the vector lines to which they have been drawn parallel. c Then if I = Moment of inertia, A = Area of the section, a — Area of the polygon an formed above, I = A a. The nearer the layers are together the more accurate will be the result.