Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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130 Molesworth's pocket-book Beams of Equal Strength throughout their length. The section is supposed in all cases to be rectangular throughout. Thø beams shown in plan are of uniform depth throughout. Those shown in elevation are of uniform breadth throughout. B = Breadth of beam. D = Depth of beam. Fixed at one end, loaded at th© other; curve parabola, vertex at loaded end; B D2 proportional to distance from loaded end. Fixed at one end, loaded at the other ; triangle, apex at loaded end ; BD2 proportional to the distance from the loaded end. elevation. Fixed at one end ; load distributed ; triangle, apex at unsupported end ; B D2 proportional to square of dis- tance from unsupported end. Fixed at one end * load distributed • curves two ps.rabolas, vertices touch- ing each otN r at unsupported end ; B D2 proport n al to distance from unsupported end. Supported at both ends; load at any one point; two parabolas, ver- tices at the points of support, bases at point loaded ; B1W proportional to distance from nearest point of support. Supported at both ends; load at any one point; two triangles, apices at points of support, bases at point loaded ; B D2 proportional to distance from the nearest point of support. Supported at both ends; load dis- tributed ; curves two parabolas, ver- tices at the middle of the beam : bases centre Uno of beam ; B D2 pro- portional to product of distances from joints of support Supported at both enrfa; load dis- tributed ; curve semi-ellipse; B D2 proportional to the product of the distances from the points of support. ELEVATION.