Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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Ends supported, weight at centre, 132 Molesworth’s pocket-book Deflection of Beams and Girders. — Length of span. W = Weight on beam. 1 = Moment of inertia. H = Modulus of elasticity, say 10,000 for cast iron = 13,000 for steel. S ~ Stress in tons per square inch on material of beam or girder. D = Effective depth. d = Deflection of beam or girder. One end fixed, the other loaded, d = • • 3EI’ . • ’ WL3 »» „ weight distributed, d =--------. ’ 8 EI , WL’ 48EI ’ J 5 W L2 384 E I , SL2 d = ----- . Transverse Strength of Plates. (Rankine.) laking a plate supported at two sides, and the load distri- buted, its strength as a beam will be say -K6t*2 = L Then dWerentconditTons?!1116 P^es under distributed. Ends supported, uniform stress, Character of Plate. How Supported. Condition of Load. Relative Strength. Square Square Circular Circular 4 sides 4 sides All round All round Distributed Central Distributed Central 2 6 3-1416 9-42 win teasi-r'Vtr, Ha t ™“°vable abutment, the strength win oe as I u to the strength above given.