Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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133 OF ENGINEERING FOKMULÆ. Bending Moments and Shearing Forces in Beams. (Graphic Construction.) With any convenient scale lay off the distances H, D, or h, as shown in the diagrams, then the moments or forces may be measured off at any part of the span L. Shearing Forces Bending Moments. 1. One end fixed; the other loaded. H = WL; D = W 2. One end fixed the load distributed W L H = — ; D = W . H</2 ft — ----- • 3. Ends supported load at centre. 4 2 4 Ends supported; load distributed. hÆ;D = H y2 (+L)‘ 5. Ends supported; load not at centre. H = ^;D=:W 6. Two equal loads equidistant from centre. H = Ws>; H' = W'* D = W ; !>' W' 7. Unequal loading. Find the moment of each load as in I Case 5. Then H = a + b + c. The other points are found ia a similar manner. Find the shearing forces for each case separately as in case (5), and add all ordi- nates together at auy point tn the span.