Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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136 MOLESWORTH S FOCKET-BOOK Asphalte Flooring. thick requires per super, ft. 12J lbs. asphalte. ” » » Of „ 1 in. i ” ” » v8 r 2 ” " ” ^4 „ Asphalte floors should be laid on a good concrete foundation 6 inches deep, of 7 of sharp clean gravel to 1 of lime—no stones larger than a pigeon's (about 52 lbs. per superficial foot). The inequali- ties should be flushed up with fine concrete of 6 of nne gravel (passed through a sieve 5 meshes to the meh) to 1 of lime passed through a sieve of 10 meshes to the inch. i concrete should be thoroughly set and dry le optalte is laid, otherwise the asphalte will blow. Dry ashes should be swept over the surface of the concrete to remove moisture. The asphalte should be heated with wood—coke is more injurious than coal. The mineral tar should be first put into the caldron and the asphalu broken fine and gradually mixed, stirring well. An excess of tar should be avoided in the tropics. When the asphalte is ready for use it . oiild give off light pulls of smoke and drop freely from the stirrer. The surface while hot should be sprinkled with chalk powder or fine sand and stamped well. q ®,sP^te should be laid in widths of about d ik’ th? Joints kePt clean and free from dust, and heated before laying the next width. Thickness, 1| for goods warehouse. » 4 for railway platforms. „ i for arches, &c. Asphalte should not be used when it is likely to be saturated with oil or grease. For repairs, pour hot asphalte over the spot and allow it to remain till the part to be removed r softened.