Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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137 OF ENGINEERING FOKMULÆ. Table of Wooden Flooring, Joists, &c. __________________(Tredgold.) Length of bear- ing in feet. GlRDEIiS. 10 feet apart, 10 to 12 inch beai- ing on walls. BlNDERfl. 4 to 6 feet apart, 4 to 6 inch bear- ing on walls. Joists. 1 foot apart. Depth. Breadth Depth. Breadth Depth. Breadth 6 — ■M.*. 6 4 6 2 8 ■— — 7 it 7 2t 10 9 1 8 5 n 2f 12 10 8 9 8 2i 14 11 9 10 6 9 2t 16 12 10 11 6f 101 21 18 12 n 12 1 12 2t 20 13 ii 13 12 3 24 15 12 • 26 16 12 — —. 28 16 13 30 16 14 — — — Depth. 3* 4 5 6 Ceiling Joists. 1 foot apart. Breadth 2 24 2t . When the bearing of the joists exceeds 8 feet, the joists should be strutted with a row of struts for each 4 feet of bearing extra. For trimming joists, add | of an inch in breadth to the dimensions of ordinary joists for each joist supported by the trimmer. ’ Wall plates from x 3 to 7| X 5. Proportion of Steps in Staircases. The rise should not be more than 7 inches, nor less than 5 j inches. The tread should not be more than 12 inches, nor less than 9 inches. A good proportion is Rise in inches = =--------------- I read m inches G6 •...«S