Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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138 molkswoRth’s pocket-book Strength and Weight of I IRON Beams. (Société John Cockerill, Belgium.) The loads are calculated on a resistance of 10,000 lbs. = tons per square iuch. The load being distributed and the beam supported at both ends. Half the load must be taken if concentrated at the centre. Dimensions, inches. . Weight, lbs. per foot run. Load io cwt. for Spans of Depth Flange Web. 5 feet. 10 feet. 15 feet. 20 feet. 25 feet. 30 feet. Width. Thick- ness. 2 A 6-80 28’2 14-1 9-4 7-1 5-7 4-7 2 i 8'10 37'2 18-6 12-4 9-3 7-4 6-2 5* 2 i 8’80 49-6 24’8 16-5 12-4 9-9 8-3 3i 3'90 12-3 6-2 4-1 3-1 2-5 2-1 5 215- * 11-50 68-1 34-1 22-7 17-0 13-6 11-4 5; 2| i 11-50 71’9 36-0 24-0 18'0 14-4 12'0 6f% 3i _5_ 15-50 110'9 55-5 37-0 27-7 22-2 18-5 Vr s; 4 17’50' 134 -U 61-o 44-7 33-5 26'8 22-3 U 2-9- Jr. 15-50 120-2 60-1 40-1 32-3 24'0 20-0 84 2} _5_ 16-KO 146-0 73-0 48 7 36'5 29-2 24’3 7X 314 20'20 162-4 812 54-1 40'6 32’5 27-1 U 3 ft 4 20'90 177-0 88-5 59-0 44*2 35-4 29-5 9i 3i i 23-20 229 6 114-8 76’5 57’4 45-9 38-3 st 4i i 30-30 304’1 152-0 101-3 76-0 60-8 50-7 9i 3; t 22-20 214-5 107-3 71-5 53-6 42-9 35-8 8 5 1 26-90 246*6 123-3 82-2 61-7 49*3 11-1 9*- 34 .JL. 20-20 199’1 99'6 6.6-4 49'8 3»-8 33'2 11H 415. JL. 39 70 515-4 257’7 171-8 128 6 103-1 85 9 12| öl 60-50 820-5 410'3 273-5 205-1 164-1 13«-b n 5H H 53-80 714-5 357-3 238-2 1 1 179-2 142-9 119-1 These beams may be rolled or | wider, making the web thicker aud the flanges wider by that amount.