Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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140 moleswobth’s POCKET-BOOK s^sXü™eetK T-AmND L Iron. (Captain Broadbent, R.E.) Z i 5 ! n Ie®1' 1 = Moment of inertia. ' l=“*weight ofiruu- l = 5.,_k " ” ’’ _S ' ~ 82 Dimen- sions of Section Indies. ! Values of Valnes ot K for different Sections and Positions. | Width, W. 1 J Depth, D. | ; Thickness. k-jacj °®! ' + ; 1 __ , I. y- 4 4 t 5’5641 3-816 14,750 11,800 11,062 8,850 3 i i 5-0485 2-6731 14,102 11,282 10,576 8,461 4 3 i 2-4234 2-1731 8,327 6,662 6,245 8,335 6,451 4,996 3} 31 i 3-635 2-4423 11,113 | 8,890 6,668 5,161 2’865 2-487 8,602 6,882 J i 2-164 2-0682 7,813 6,250 5,860 ^688 3,732 o 3 1 3 1 § 1-7597 2-1125 6,220 1 4,976 4,665 1-2274 1-6945 5,408 i 4,326 4,056 3,245 2^2| g ot&’t •9838 1'7382 4,226 3,381 3,170 2^536 •84Ö61 1-7604 3,600 2,881 2,701 2,160 ■7031 1-7829 2,945 I 2,356 2,667 2,098 2,209 1'767 2,000 1,573 1 345 2 2 i 2 2'| •59 •4791 1-3214 1'3642 3,334 2,622 2^500 1,966 * lfll •41625 1-3861 2,242 1 1,794 1,682 2 r •3476 1'4083 1,843 1,474 1,382 1 10ß U U i | •1867 ■9911 1,407 1,126 1^055 844 1 * 1 * l’s| •16393 1-01235 1,209 967 908 72? if 11 •1385 1-0341 I 1,000 777 800 750 600 U lilAl ■ 10908' 1-05625 622 583 466 323 H i •0778 1 1-0788 1 538 1 430 403 For values of I and K, in sections similar to those above given • Ü Ij, hy^and Dj be the values for the required section, then ■1 — 1 -jjp and Kt = K Example: find Ij and Kx for 1X4 X JT. I and K for 2 x 2 X Ä = -41625 and -2242 re- pectively, Therefore, = -41625 — = 6-66; and K, - 64 16 2242 — — 17936.