Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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Side af 764 Forrige Næste
141 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Angles of Roofs. Load on Roofs. Exclusive of Framing. Lead covering weighs .. .. Zinc ...................... Corrugated iron .......... Slates .. .................. Tiles...................... Boarding, f thick .......... Ditto, 1^ thick.............. Timber framing for slated or tiled roofs .. .. Additional load for pressure of wind.................. Steepest angle of Gothic roofs Per Square ot 100 supl. feet. 7 CWt U „ 3 „ H to 9 „ 8 to 15 „ 2i „ 5 „ 5 to 6 36 „ .......... Minimum alone. 4° 4° • 4° 25|° to 30c 2ui° to 30° 25° 6IT Pkbssuke of Wind on Roofs. (Unwin.) a = Angle of surface of roof with direction of wiud. F = Force of wind in lbs. per square loot (see page 386). A = Pressure normal to surface of roof = F. gin. a 1'84 cos. a-1 B = Ditto, parallel to direction of wind ±= F, sin. a I’M cos. a C Ditto, perpendicular to do. do. 3= F. cot.asin.a 1-84 ew.a Angle of roof=a 5° I 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° I 60° 70° I 80° | 90° A = F x •125 -24 •4S •66 •83 -95 |1’00 1-021-01!1-00 B = F X •122 -24 'I -I' ' •42 •57 •64 -61f -50 •351 -17! -00 C =F X •01 04 ■15 •33 •53 •73 -85 _____________ •96] -991-00