Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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156 Molesworth’s pocket-book Varying Stress in Ikon and Steel. (T. W. Fowler.) By Wohler’s law rupture may be caused not only by a steady stress exceeding the breaking strength of the material, but also by repea ted applications of stresses, none of which are equal to this stress. The greater the variation of stress, the less is the stress necessary to produce rupture. Call the stresses which would have to be repeated an infinite number of times to produce fracture; when the stress is steady, i; when entirely removed and reapplied, so as to leave the bar unstrained, w; when changed from a tension to an equal compression, s; when a minimum stress is left in the bar, a. Then Hannhardt’s formulae, which give results agreeing with Wohler’s and .Spaugenberg’s experiments, min. stress /m\ . ... are, when----------- I - ) is a positive expres- max. stress \M/ sion, a = u + (t — u) ~ • When the expression M /n _ . z x m — is negative, the formula is a — u + (u — s) — . In using this, it is important to remember that the latter part is a negative expression. The values of these constants in tons per square inch, deduced from Wohler’s experiments, are:— Wrought iron i = 20’84 w = 13’94 s = 7'43 Krupp’s steel t — 46’6 u = 22'28 s = 13'02 These values are given in Weyrauch’s work on ‘ The Structure of Iron and Steel ’ reduced