Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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157 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. to British units. When Weyrauch wrote, the tension experiments alone were completed. A factor of safety of 3 is ample when these results are allowed for. Values of a in Tons per Square Inch. Min. -r max. t stress .. .. / a (wrought iron) a (Krupp’s cast! øteel) ., .. J l-o| -J -8 -7i -6 —.i-------1----- 20-8 20'2, 19-5, 18'8 18’1 46-4' 44-2i 41'8 39’3 36'9 Min. ~ max. ) stress .. • • | a (wrought iron) a (Krupp’s cast I steel) .. .. ) •5 17-4 345 •4| -31 16-7 16-0 32-0 29’6 •2; 15-3 27*11 •1 14-6 24-7 Min. -T- max. ) stress .. ..J a (wrought iron) a (Krupp’s cast I steel) .. .. J -0-1 13-3 21’3 -0-2 -0-3 -0-4 -0’5 126 12-0, 11-3 10-7 20-4 195j 18-6 17-6 Min. -4- max. iLn-fi . stress .. .. / ■ i a (wrought iron)! 10 • 0, a (Krupp’s castr J steel).. lb‘Z 0-7 -0-8 -0-9 -1-0 8-7' 8-1 7'4 14-9 14-0‘ 13-0