Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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158 MOLESWORTH^ POCKET-BOOK Ordinary Sizes of Wrought Ikon. LIMITS THAT MAY BE USED WITHOUT INCREASE OF : - COST. . < ' .. S’ BAR IRON. Limit of weight, 4 cwt. „ length, 30 to 35 feet. . width, flat bars, 6 inches. 1 AND T BARS. Limit of weight, 4 cwt. „ length, 35 feet. „ the sum of the breadth and depth, in, CHANNEL IRON OR ROLLED BEAMS. Limit of weight, 4 cwt. „ length, 85 feet. „ depth, 7 inches. PLATES. Limit of weight, 4 cwt. • U„ length, 15 feet. , , area, 28 superficial feet. • width, 4 feet. Beyond the above limits extra prices have to be paid. MAXIM! M DIMENSIONS OBDINABILY MANUFACTURED Flat bars, 12 inches wide. L bars, 6 in. x 6 in. x Plates, 7 feet wide or 30 feet long, or 60 super- ficial feet area. Roughly the comparative cost of bars and plates may be assumed as follows :— Flat, round, or square bars being 1 • 00 L and T Bars .. __________ 1>12 ' Plates. ..................... 1-jg