Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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________________ 188 ____________________ ________ Molesworth’s pocket-book SCALES FÖR PLANS DEPOSITEJD UNDER STANDING ORDERS. Minimum scale for plans) . . , and sections .. .. J ~ * menes to the mile. Ditto, vertical ditto, for) ,An x , sections . r — 1Q0 feet to th.G inch.. Minimum scale for en- larged plans of build- = 6 chains to the inch. ings, &c. __________ Minimum scale for «ross- sections, and sections ■ = 40 feet to the inch, of road alterations .. Boaep of Trade Regulations fob Railways. MAIN LINE. Breaking weight of cast-iron girders to be made - permanent load X 3 + moving load x 6. Wrought-iron bridges must not be strained to more than 5 tons per square inch when loaded with the heaviest engines. Minimum distance of standing work from the outer edge of rail at level of carriage steps. = 3 feet 6 inches in England. =s 4 feet m Ireland. Minimum distance between lines of railways = 6 feet. J STATIONS. Minimum width of platform = 6 feet; 12 feet at important stations. Minimum distance of column from edge of plat- form = 6 feet. Steepest gradient recommended for stations = 1 in 260.