Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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Side af 764 Forrige Næste
180 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Board of Trade Regulations—continued. CARRIAGES. Minimum space per passenger « 20 cubic feet. Minimum area of glass per passenger = 60 super- ficial inches. Minimum width of seats = 15 inches. Minimum breadth, of seat per passenger = 18 in. Minimum number of lumps per earriage = 2. PERMANENT WAY. Joints of rails to be fished. Chairs to be secured by iron spikes. Fang bolts to be used at the joints of flat-bottomed rails, and at some intermediate places. STATIONS. Ends of platforms to be ramped (not stepped), Signals and distant signals in both directions. Signals to bo weighted to iiy to “ danger ” if wire breaks. Switch handles to be brought together. „ „ not to be worked between lines of rail, Facing points to be avoided. „ „ where unavoidable, to be furnished with self-acting signal. Sidings to be supplied with locked chock-block. Sidings on a gradient falling towards the line to be provided with a blind siding. Tura-tables to be a safe distance from adjacent lines. Platforms of bridges protected from fire. Walls and handrails to be provided on viaducts at stations.