Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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190 Molesworth’s pocket-book Board of Tkade Regulations— continued. stations—continued. Level-crossing gates to be capable of being closed across both road and railway. Clocks visible at all stations. Mile posts and gradient boards. Tunnels and dangerous places protected by telegraph. Tunnels provided with man-holes. Pkecautions recommended in the Working of > Railways by the Board of Thade. . 1. There should be a break-vehicle with a guard iu it at the tail of every train ; this vehicle should be provided with a raised roof and extended sides, glazed to the front and back; and it should be the duty of the guard to keep a constant look-out from it along his train. 2. There should be means of intercommunication between a guard at the tail of every passenger train aud the engine driver, and between the passengers and the servants of the company. 3. There should be at least one break-vehicle to every three or four carriages iu a passenger train, a proportion which may be economically provided by the use of continuous breaks. On uteep inclines, and with trains which travel at high speed, a larger proportion of break-power is required. 4. The tires of all wheels should be so secured to the rims of the wheels as to prevent them from flying, open when they are fractured. 5. The engines employed with passenger trains should be of a steady description, with not less than six wheels, with a long wheel-base, with the centre of gravity iu front of the driving wheels, and with the motions balanced. They should not be run tender first.