Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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191 OF ENGINEERING FOKMULÆ. 6. Records should be carefully kept of the work performed by the wearing parts of the rolling stock, to afford practical information in regard to them, and to prevent them from being retained in use longer than is desirable. 7. When a line is worked by telegraph, the telegraph huts should be commodious, and should be supplied, with clocks, with record books, with a separate needle for signalling the trains on each line of rails, and with an extra needle for other necessary communications between the signalmen. The telegraph instruments and signal handles should face the directions in which they work. 8. When drovers or other persons are permitted to travel with goods or cattle trains, suitable vehicles should be provided for their accommoda- tion near the front of such trains. 9. Luggage should not be carried on the roofs of railway carriages. Regulations for Construction of Prussian Railways and Rolling Stock. RAILWAY. Minimum breadth of roadway, double line.. .. 24 ft. 9 in. Ditto ditto, single line .. .. 15 ft. 6 in. Maximum gradient, level districts ..........1 in 200 Ditto ditto, hilly ditto .. .........1 in 100 Ditto ditto, mountainous ditto ., .. 1 in 40 Minimum radius of curves, flat ditto........ 3600 feet Ditto ditto, hilly ditto ................... 1200 feet Ditto ditto, mountainous ditto .. .. 600 feet Maximum gauge for straight lines and curves of more than 1000 feet radius................4 ft. 8| in. Maximum gauge round sharp curves............ 4 ft. 9| in. Minimum width of top table of rails ., .. ., 2J inches Radius of ditto.........................from 1" to 5 in Minimum depth of rails......................4; inches Inclination of rails inwards................1 in 20 Minimum depth of ballast under sleepers .. ,. 8 inches