Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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202 moleswokth’s pocket-book Notes on Pebmanent Way. (Von Weber and others.) BAILS. The breaking weight, as well as the lateral resistance, is greater in flange-rails than in double- headed rails of equal proportion. Too great rigidity of rails entails increased wear on the rails and roiling stock. The radius of the top table is generally too sharp, and should be increased to 24 inches.* The radius of the shoulder of the top table should be about ’55 inch. The angle of the fish-planes with the horizontal plane, when the rail is upright, should be about 30°. The web for rails from 60 to 75 lbs. per yard need not be more than 5 to | inch. The resist- ance to lateral displacement is increased by the friction between the rails and the wheels. Rails which do not break joint have only 70 per cent, of the lateral strength of those which break joint. BALLAST. The character of the ballast has no important effect on the lateral resistance of the permanent way. Filling ballast at the end of the sleepers does not practically increase the lateral resistance. Short piles driven at the end of the sleepers do not increase to any appreciable extent the power of resistance to lateral force. * Mr. Conybeare recommends a radius of 40 inches.