Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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201 OF ENGINEERING FOBMULÆ. Repost ok German Railway Union—continned. For ascending steep gradients, an auxiliary engine should be placed behind the train. A tire is considered unsafe as soon as the rounded part of the flange is worn away. Examination in colour blindness is necessary for rail- way servants whose duty it is to watch coloured signals. Communication between passenger and guard is not successful. Sleeping carriages with one tier are preferred by passengers to those with two tiers. SIGNALS. Telegraph wires through tunnels should be well insulated, and protected with casing. For block system, " Siemens’ ” is preferred; the Morse system with independent optical signals also recommended. Distant signal wires to be compensated. Jn distant signals actuated by electricity, the induced current is preferred to a constant current. Signals are unnecessary on sidings, but should be retained on the main line. Signals recognized by form are better than those shown by colour. INCREASE TO GAUGE ON SHARP CURVES. R = Radius of curve in feet. x — Increase to be given to gauge if in eighths of an inch. y = „ „ „ if in inches. z— „ „ „ in terms of radius R, 4500 562'5 46'8’75 The increase is in no case to exceed inch. No increase is to be made on curves the radius of which exceeds 1600 feet.