Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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200 Molesworth’s pocket-book Kepobt of German Railway Union—continued. Materials for construction of waggons:—Open waggons en- tirely of iron, or iron with timber floors; covered waggons, the body of timber, the under-frames of iron. Ordinary oil paint preferred for waggons. WORKSHOPS. Series of narrow roofs side by side of ridge or saw type pre- ferred, with slate, tile, or galvanized iron. For flooring, wood preferred. For repairing sheds and machine shops, flooring of blocks made from old sleepers; clay floors objectionable on account of dust. Lighting of shops by electricity experimental, but not expected to supersede gas. ■ For heating tires reverberating furnaces preferred; ring- ehaped furnaces successful. Timber for waggons should be seasoned for several years. Some desiccate and impregnate with chloride of zinc. SERVICE OF WAY. For watching permanent way, women are successfully employed, but for signalling they should only assist. Turn-tables and traversers not well adapted for marshalling whole trains. For preventing vehicles breaking loose at stations, putting down breaks and coupling vehicles together is recommended. SERVICE OF TRAINS. Speed—36 miles per hour when there are no sharp curves and no great number of points to pass through ; this holds good with facing points properly locked with signals. For measuring power and speed of trains, no instruments are completely successful. In checking speed on important sections, electrical con- tact instruments, for measuring the time between fixed points, answer. For increasing adhesion in frost or fog, sanding the rails from »and-boxes on the engine is preferred.