Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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207 OF ENGINEERING FORM Ü LÆ. Rui.es ion the Weight of Rails. W — Weight of rail in lbs. per yard. L = Greatest load on one driving wheel in tuns. W = L X 12. Sectional area of rail in inches X 10 for iron or 10’4 for steel == weight of rail in lbs. per yard. Weight of rail in lbs. per yard X 1'571 = weight of rails for a mile of single line of railway, in tons. Memoranda on Rails, &c. Depth of rails, from 4i to 5 inches for first-class railway. Thickness of middle web, | inch. Width of top table, 2| inches. Radius of ditto, 12 to 40 inches. ' Width offlanch (if a flanged rail), inches. Thickness of ditto................i inch. Weight of fish plates, about 20 lbs. per pair. 100 fish bolts weigh about 1 cwt. Cast-iron intermediate chairs, each 21f lbs. Ditto joint „ 39 „ Fifteen larch sleepers creosoted, 9 feet 6 inches long, 5 X 10 inches at the small end, weigh 1 ton. Permanent Way, Indian State Railways, 5 ft. 6 in. Gauge. Steel Flanch Rails, 62 lbs. per yard. Quantity required for 1 mile Single Line. Weight, lbs. Allowance for waste per cent. Actual require- ments tor Bails of lengths. Rails in assorted lengths. 30 ft. 27 ft. 24 ft. No. Tons. Total tons. 30 ft. rails each 620 352 — — 300 83-02 27 „ 24 „ 558 496 — 391-11 440 40 22 9-07 4-87 ^96-96 Fish plates pair 18 5 352 391 440 380 3-05 Fish bolts •875 5 1408 1564 1760 1520 *60 ^13’75 Spikes Bearing ) •7 4-483 10 5 7744 3520 7822 3520 7920 3520 8600 3700 2-70 7-4Ü plates f Sleepers* 125’75 5 1760 1760 1760 Tot 1850 al . 104 104 214-71 * Creosoted, 10 ft, X 10 in. X 5 in,