Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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208 Molesworth’s pocket-book Permanent Way, Indian State Railways, Metre Gauge. Steel Flanch Rails, 4H lbs. per yard. 24 ft. rails 21 „ 18 „ Kish plates Fish bolts Spikes .. Bearing ) plates j Sleepers Weight, lbs. I Allowance for 1 waste per cent. Quantity required for 1 mile Single Line. Actual requirements for Rails of lengths. Rails in assorted lengths. 24 ft. 21ft. 18 ft. No. Tons. Total tons. each 327-11 „ 288-75 „ 250’25 pair 9'18 each • 85 „ '53 .. 1’31 M 59 5 5 10 5 6 443-88 444 1776 8878 3995 1998 — 502'86 503 2012 9054 4023 2012 — 388 — 1 44 580-22' 22 580 ■ 475 2321 1 1900 9283 11000 4061 4200 2031 j 2100 Total . 56-66 5-67 2-46 1-94 •72 2-60 2-46 55-31 j, 64-49 ( 7-72 i 55-31 127’82 Points and Ckossings. Ordinary Crossing, Narrow Gauge. Length from point to crossing .. .. — 75 feet Total length from point to point .. = 165 „ Radius .................................. 600 ,, Angle of crossing.......................= J in 10 , Length of switches.....................=: 12 to 15 feet Throw of ditto, at point .....= 4 inches Clearance of ditto, „ ..........= 3; „ Length of guard rail .. . . .. — 8 feet Clearance of ditto.................. ,. = 1| inch Railway Sidings, &c. R = Radius of curves. L — Length over points. — Distance between centres of lines of siding. L = 2 V D.R - (i D)».