Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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__________ ___________________ ________ _________________ 224 moleswobth’ö pocket-book Abhesive Power of Locomotives. Adhesion per ton of load on the driving wheels— When the rails are very dry, 600 lbs. per ton. When the rails are very wet, 550 „ In ordinary English weather, 450 ,, In misty weather if the rails are greasy.............. 300 „ In frosty or snowy weather, 200 „ In coupled engines the adhesive force is due to the load on all wheels coupled to the driving wheels. The adhesive power must exceed the tractive force of an engine on the rails, otherwise the wheels will slip. For loads on driving wheels, see below. Distribution of Weight in Locomotives. The average distribution of the weights of a six-wheeled locomotive on its wheels is— Assuming the total weight of the engine in working order to be 1: Passenger Goods Engines. Engines. Load on leading wheels .. .. 32 .. *34 „ on driving wheel» . .. -48 .. -36 „ trailing wheels_____________-20 .. «30 Total weight of engine 1'00 .. 1 • 00 Passenger engines, 4 ft. 8j in. gauge, average...................from 30 to 35 tons. Goods engines .. .. .. .. „ 35 to 40 „ Metre gauge ______________„ 18 to 20 „