Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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225 OF ENGINEERING KOBMULÆ. Tractive Fokce that may ke developed in a Locomotive. S = Square feet of heating surface. V = Velocity in miles per hour. g T = Tractive force in lbs. = 374 — . Rope Inclines. W = Weight of one train in tone (vehicles only). w = Weight of the load (passengers or goods J in tons. y = Weight of the cable in tons (see “ Ropes ”). r — Resistance on the level = say -006 at slow speeds. A = Rate of inclination. x V = Velocity in miles per hour. Hi' = Actual horse-power required, to which should be add ri 25 or 30 per cent, for contingencies, friction of rope, &c. HP = 6 V £—- — -+ + r(W + w + 2 i/)^for single rope. HP = 6 V £—+ 2r (W + w + for double rope (“Tail end ” system). This formula is based on the assumption that the vehicles of the ascending train are balanced by those of the descending train. t y —i W + w + - I for endless ---—---+ r (W + w + 4 y) I rope. San Paulo Railway Incline. (‘Min. Inst. Civ. Eng.,’ vol. xxx.) Four lifts, the longest 1| mile long; gradient, 1 tn 9-75; “ Tail end ’’ system. On the upper half of each lift, 3 rails are laid; but on the lower half, 2 rails forming a single line ; half-way ia a crossing siding, with 4 rails about 100 feet long in the clear, with self-acting switches at the lower end. The bank top of each lift is on a grade of 1 in 75, and 3 lines of rails 250 feet long are laid, the centre for down trains. Radii of curves 30 to 80 chains. Hopes, steel wire (10 B.W.G.), 6 strand, 4 inches circum- ference, working load 4 to 4| tong ; life of rope about 2 years. Pulleys, wrought iron with cast core, 12 inches diameter^ 5 to 7 yards apart on curves, 10 yards on straight. Two engines, 26-inch cylinders, 5 feet stroke, 22 revolutiona per minute, 30 lbs. boiler pressure. Horizontal pulleys and winding drums 10 feet diameter. Special breaks to clip the rails. Q