Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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22G Molesworth’s pocket-book Continuous Railway Breaks. W = Weight of train. V = Velocity in fe(t per second. D = Distance travelled before stopping. R = Mean retarding force. H = Height corresponding to velocity V. F = Accumulated work. g — Gravity, say 32 • 2. V‘2 W V2 R = FD; H = —; F= -------------; = -0155 WV«. 29 29 Trains about 200 tons. Train resistance 9 lbs. per ton, or '4 per cent, of gross weight. Friction of engine and tender, ) • not reckoning curves, winds, >• 62 „ „ or gradients...............) Retirding influences, average 7-62 „ „ Distance of stopping at 30 miles per hour 470 feet. >> 45 „ „ 1000 „ » » 60 „ „ 1870 „ 776 to 1100 feet 'n 1th sand. 844 „ 16^0 „ without „ Foot-tons per second .. .. 1017 „ 6“5 „with 96-1 „ 491 „ without Tender and break van’s break 2 • 36 per cent. Coefficient of Friction, Cast Irox on Steel. Velocity, Miles per hour. From commencement of Experiment. 5 Seconds. 10 Seconds, I Ifi Seconds. 20 Seconds 2 6-8 13-6 17 20-4 27-3 30-7 34-1 37’5 40-9 47-7 •250 •242 •210 ■2G5 •182 •171 •163 •153 •152 ■ 141 I •132 I •193 •157 •152 ■130 •107 •C96 •093 ■080 — -no ■133 *116 •119 "081 •099 — •083 -069 •070 — •C99 •«72 By Galton’s experiments with cast-iron blocks on steel tires, coefficient of friction varied from "A42 at io miles, to • 1 lö at 50 miles per hour.