Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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228 Molesworth’s pocket-book Axles fob Railway Carhiages and Waggons. i) = Diameter of journal in inches. W = Weight on journal In tons. L = Length of journal in inches. S — Maximum stress allowed in tons per square Inch on sectional areti of journal. D = 2 2 VV L 3-US* L = for carriages and waggons from 2i to 21 D. Dimensions of Axles or Carriages and Waggons and Tenders. Wheel load, tons .. .. Diameter of journal, inches Length, inches 2 2i 6i 2i 2J U 3 3* 8 3i 3i 4 4i 3f 4 10 10 Minimum diameter to which journals may be turned down <2 = 1'8 ^/w. Load on Journal, tons W= 2 21 3 I 3i 4 4| Minimum diameter, ins. d— 2i 2i 2f i 2J 22 a 3 Usual proportion of journal L X D per ton of load, from 8i to 9i square inches. Distance which axles should run without repuir, 18,000 miles. Axle tests, 3 per 100. Vickers’ Tests for Steel Axles. Straight axles should have an ultimate tensile strength of not more than 23 tons per square inch. This test can only be made by destroying the tested axles. Crank axles should also have a-maximum tensile strength of 23 tons. The piece of steel cut out to shape the web is the best for testing. A piece cut off and unhannnered should bear blows until it is bent completely double without showing any defect.