Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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229 OJF ENGINEERING FUKMULÆ. Tikes of Wheels. Thickness of tire on tread in inches = T. Minimum thickness to which tire may be turned = t. 4 ft. 81 in. Gauge. Metre Gauge. Engine. Carriage. Waggon. Engine. Carriage. Waggon. T, inches .. — 26 2-25 2'25 2 1’77 1-77 t, „ iron = 1 1 J » i i t, „ steel — I • I i t 8 After carriage tires have been turned to the minimum for carriages they may be used under goods waggons. Mild steel tires should be guaranteed for 100,000 miles with a penalty for all above 20 per cent, that fail under 160,000 miles. Vickers* Test roii Steel Tikes. The tire placed vertically on a solid bearing should bear a series of blows from the fall of a tup weighing 1 ton; 1 st fall, 5 feet; 2nd, 10 feet; 3rd, 15 feet, to be continued until partial or complete failure; the tire in its vertical position to yield 'th of its diameter before breaking. A piece of the tire thus tested ought to bear a tensile strength of 47 tons per square inch; the drop test ensures safety and the tensile strain ensures the necessary car- burization and consequent durability. Alloys fob Carriage Bearings. Copper .. .. Tin .. * . Antimony.. •. Lead Total .. English G.W.E. French. Italian. 22 67 11 82 18 38 25 37 100 100 100