Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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236 MOLES WORTH’S POCKET-BOOK Kailway Accidents. ‘ Min. Inui. Civ. Eng.,’ vol. xxi., p. 346. (Bxunlees.) Causes of Railway Accidents in Great Britain from 1854 to I860, inelusive. Cause. No. of J Accidents.1 Per Cent. Permanent Way— Defective construction .. .. .. .. ■ 118 Neglect .. .. . .. .. ...| 25 Total ______________4 143 ' 11 Rolling Stock— Defective construction ......... .. j 63 Neglect .......... .............................. 27 Total.................... 90 7 Management— Insufficient accommodation_________ „ establishment ......... Want of en gine power............. ..................... „ breaks .. .. ... ». „ communication between guard and driver .........■........... Want of signals ................. „ timepieces _________, . „ tutu-cables ............. „ punctuality ............. Insufficient or badly-enforced regulations Insufficient interval, between the trains Negligence of servants............. Speed too great for road......... .. Want of electric telegraph _________ 58 61 17 65 15 2 50 198 70 an 0 Total ..............1 971 ________ 76 Causes not ascertained