Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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237 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Life of Rails. (R. Price Williams.) (‘ Min. Inst. Civ. Eng.,’ vols. xxv. and xxvii.) Iron Rails. Life of Rails In Number j T _ of Trains, j In ToM' Great Northern Railway— Rising gradient 1 in 200 .. Falling gradient 1 in 200 .. Lancashire and Yorkshire— Falling gradient 1 in 130 .. Slow speed—level 119,455 57,536 65,529 47,445 58,851 62,399 203,112 24,702,861 11,760,926 13,484,661 9,6?9,078 12,116,382 12,451,784 38,803,128 Value of 1 mile, allowing 569Z. for old material = 13712 Tons. d. Cost per ton per mile with 12,000,000 = •0274 „ „ 24,000,000 =-0137 „ „ 36,000,000 = • 0091 Experiments at Camden Town. (C. P. Sandberg.) Mark of rail .. .. Crushed with tons Worn out with tons 1 I 7 I H. I E» I N. '3,680,000!4,140,00013,220,00<Jß,900,000 3,220,000 5,060,000 5,290,OXM,060,000'8,970,OMjB,520,000 Rails marked T, top and bottom formed of No. 2 iron, the remainder of puddle bars. „ Y, same as T, but the pile for the top slab of puddle iron, without any No. 2 iron „ H, top slab made of puddle bars hammered after the first heat, and rolled after the second heat. „ E, the same as H, but rolled after the first as well as the second heat. „ N, Pile composed of puddle bars, without any top slab. * Raila similar to those marked E were laid down on the Great Northern Railway, and had a Ufa of 13,000,000 toim.