Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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282 X OLES worth’s pocket-book Compound Pumping Engines with Double-acting 1 Lambeth Vienna. ; Lawrence Hanover. Chis- wick. Character .. ,. .. Kotativf 14 Rotativ 20 Rotative 16£ Rotative 24 Direct Revolutions per min. Diam. of large cyl., ins 46 22f 38 36f 20 » small „ „ Area of large cyl., „ 28 1662 11 406-4 18 1134 20? 1053-5 10 314*1 j „ small „ „ Stroke of large „ „ 616 95 254-4 342-2 5 96 58J 96 53 36 „ small „ „ Capacity, large „ „ Ratio of clearance } 66$ 159452 58| 2392? 96 108864 53 55836 36 11308 and passages .. | •048 •116 —- Capacity .small cyl., ins 40870 5593 24442 1 18136 2826 Ratio oi clearance, &c. •027 —— ■0243 Relative capacity of ) 1 to 3-9 1 to 4-3 cylinders .. .. 1 to 4-45 1 to 3-08 1 to 4 Relative area of cylrs. 1 to'2-7 1 to 4-3 1 to 4-45 1 to 3«08 1 to 4 Stroke of pump, ins. Diameter of pump ) 83} 291 96 294 36 barrel, ins * Diameter of pump) 23^ 16i 2U 26* 19J 21 plunger .. .. f Initial pressure, lbs. 7 18 — 15 35* per sq. in f Mean pressure, small \ 100 80 — cylinder .. .. / Mean pressure, large > 24 — — — cylinder .. .. ( — ! — — Fuel consumption, 1 1-69 lbs. l.H.P. per hour f Duty of 1 cwt. coal) 1* t — 107 (millions) f .. I Percentage lost by ) 97 — — — friction .. .. f . — —— —- Head of water, feet.. 210 26| no 133 Diam, of main, ins. .. Velocity of water in ) 30 234 24 19f — main, ft. per sec. j H 1 ■— —— Indicated HP — 24i 195£ Capacity, air vessel,c. f. —, 166 — The Lambeth engines are sometimes used with 40 lbs. initial pressure, cuttiug off at 20 per cent, of the small cylinder. ° < f coalhe dUty Of Comish eileinas varfea from 51 to 68 millions of foot-lbs. for 1 cwi.