Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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284 moleswokth’s pocket-book Cast Ikon Watek Pipes. To bear a pressure of 200 feet of water or proof of 400 feet. Bore Thickness Depth Thickness! Space Weight in of of of for of 9-feet Inches. Metal. Socket. Socket. Packing. Length.* Joint. inches. inches. inches. inches. cwt. qrs. lbs. lbs. 3 A 3 5 8 i 0 3 24 2'4 4 To 3 5 8 i 1 1 14 3-6 5 3 8 3f 5. 3. 1 2 16 6-0 6 a. 8 3f 5 8 3 2 0 0 8’2 1 JL 8 34 5 8 f 2 1 4 8-7 8 7 16 3t 5 3 3 0 4 9-9 9 16 4 4 3 1 19 13-9 10 * 4 f 3 4 1 16 14-9 11 i 4 4 A 4 2 22 15-9 12 9 18 4 t 5 2 24 17-2 14 5. 8 4 3. 8 7 2 4 20-8 The 9-feet length is taken from the eud of one pipe to the end of the next when laid. Cast-iron Pipes-—Pressube in. Let H = Head of water in feet. P — Pressure of water in lbs. per square inch. d = Internal diameter of pipe in inches. t — Thickness of metal in inches. P = 0-433 H. t = 0-000054 Hd + x. ort — -000125 P.d + x. x = -31 ius. for pipes less than 12 ins. diam. .= ’5 for pipes from 12 to 30 inches. = "6 for pipes from 30 to 50 ius. diameter. Rule fok finding the Weight of Cast-iron Pipes. D = Diameter outside in inches. d = Diameter inside, or bore in inches. W = Weight of 1 yard of pipe in lbs. W = 7-35 (D2-d2). The weight of two flanges = about 1 foot of pipe.