Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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21 OF ENGINEERING FOKMULÆ. Strength and Weight of Materials—continued, Miscellaneous Substances—continued. Specific Gravity. Weight of a cubic foot. 1 Weight of a | cubic inch. Sand, pit (coarse) .. .. » „ (tine) » (Thames) t Shingle Tallow .. Tar .. Tile, common .. from » » .... to 1-61 1'52 1-64 1'42 •94 1-016 1’81 1-85 lbs. 100 95 102 88 59 63 112 115 lbs. •058 •054 •059 ’051 •034 •036 •065 •066 Liquids, &c. Specific Gravity. Weight of a cubic foot. Weight of a cubic inch. Water distilled 39° .. .. » sea ,, Acetic acid Alcohol, absolute „ proof Ether Hydrochloric acid .. .. Nitric acid Oil, linseed „ olive „ whale , .. .. .. .. Sulphuric acid 1 1-027 1-06 •792 •916 •716 V2 1*217 •94 •915 •923 1*84 lbs. 62-425 64 66 49 67 45 15 15 58 57 58 115 Ibs. •036 •037 : *038 •028 •033 •026 •043 •044 •034 •033 •033 •066 Gases, &c. Air .. 1 Carbonic acid Hydrogen ,. Nitrogen .. .. .. .. Olefiant gas Oxygen Steam .. .. •001293 •00197 •0000895 •00125 •00127 •00143 •00088 •08072 •123 •0056 •078 •079 •089 •055 •00004655 •000071 •0000032 00Ü045 000046 000051 0000311 J