Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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22 MOLESWORTH S POCKET-BOOK . . . • Modulus oj Elabticitx- The modulus of elasticity of any material is the force that would lengthen a bar of that material of 1 inch double its length, or would compress it till.its length beca, zero - supposing it possible to stretch or compress the bar ?o this extreme extent without breaking it andH.W the following relation between stress and strain held good . a = Alteration in length due to any force F less than the modulus. . A ä Alteration due to the modulus h. a _F . A E To find the Compression ok - Extension or any Bo»J UNDER A GIVEN STRAIN WITHIN ITS LIMITS OF El-Afc- TICTTT. W. ’ (See next page). L = Length in feet of body strained. I = Increase or decrease of length in feet caused by a strain/. . . , f = Force of the strain in lbs. per square meh. E = Modulus of elasticity (for values of E see next page). b L/ Lf 11. IB • =S —r- , DETERMINATION OF E FROM THE FREELY SUPPORTE» AT ENDS AND LOADED AT CENTS . I = Clear distance between supports in inches. c = Breadth of beam in inches. d = Depth of beam in inches. W = Weight in lbs. x - Deflection In inches produced by W. WZ^ E~4bd’»‘