Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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26 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. extreme softness. The contraction of area at the fracture forms an essential element in estimating the quality. 2nd. The breaking strain of iron and puddled steel plates is greater in the direction in which they have been rolled than in the direction of their breadth; but in cast steel the reverse. 3rd. Iron when fractured suddenly produces a crystalline frachire; but if gradually, a fibrous fracture. This accounts for the anomaly in the supposed change of iron from a fibrous to a crystalline character. Sudden shoulders which prevent a regular elongation of fibre cause a sudden snap. 4th. Strength of steel is reduced by being hardened in water; but both its hardness and toughness are increased by being hardened in oil. Iron heated, and suddenly cooled in water, is hardened, and the breaking strain (if gradually applied) is increased, hut it is more likely to snap suddenly. It is softened and its breaking strain reduced if heated and allowed to cool gradually. Iron if brought to a white heat is injured if it be not at the same time hammered or rolled. Case- hardening bolts weakens them. 5th. The shearing strain of steel rivets is one- fourth less than their tensile strength. The ordinary proportions of iron rivets are too small when steel rivets are used for steel plates. 6th. The specific gravity is found to indicate the quality pretty correctly. 7th. The experiments on iron give the following breaking strains:—