Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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26 Molesworth’s pocket-book .Highest. Tons per sq.inch. Lowest. Tons per sq. inch. Mean. Tons per sq. inch. Rolled bars .. .30-7 19-9 25-7 Angle-irons .. 28-4 17 24-4 Plates lengthways 28 16-7 22-e „ cross ways 27 14-5 20-6 Notes on Strength of Materials. Wet timber is not so strong as dry; in some cases it is not half the strength of dry. Crushing weight of a sphere — '26 circumscribed cube. „ „ roller = '32 „ square. Cold-blast iron is stronger than hot-blast. Annealing cast iron diminishes its tensile strength. Remelting (up to ten or twelve meltings) or prolonged fusion increases the strength, and density of cast iron. Softer irons will beat bear remelting. Indirect strains reduce the tensile strength of east iron. • Additional strength should be given to cast- iron girders that take the load on one side of the bottom flange. The tenacity of cast iron is only one-third that of wrought iron, and should not be subjected to more than one-sixth of the breaking strain. Tensile strain on wrought iron should not exceed one-fourth of the breaking weight.