Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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29 OF ENGINEERING FOEMULÆ. Admibalty Tests for Steel—continued. allowed for rolling in plates of half an inch in thickness and upwards, and 10 per cent, in thinner plates. Ihese weights may be ascertained by weighing as much as 10 tons at a time. TESTS FOK ANGLE, BULB, OR BAR STEEL. The whole of the steel to stand a tensile strain of 26 tons to the square inch, and not to exceed 30 tons to the square meh. 1 Also to stand the extension and tempering tests described for plates. All the cross ends to be cut off. One bar is to be taken for testing from every invoice, providing the number of bars does not exceed 50; if above that number, one for every additional 50, or portion of 50. Lloyd’s Tests fok Steel used in Ship-building. Strips cut lengthwise or crosswise of the plate, and also angle and bulb steel, to have an ultimate tensile strength of not less than 27, and not exceeding 31 tons per square inch of section, with an elongation corresponding to 20 per cent, on a length of 8 inches before fracture. Strips cut from the plate, angle or bulb steel to be heated to a low cherry-red, and cooled in water of 82° Fahrenheit, must stand bending double round a curve of which the dia- meter is not more than three times the thickness of the plates tested. No reduction will be allowed in the sizes of rivets from those which would be required by the Rules for the vessels if built of iron. In other respects the Rules for the construction of iron ships will apply equally to ships built of steel.