Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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30 molesworth’s pocket-book Strength of various Materials. (Barlow.) Ultimate Strength. Working Strain. Tons per sq. inch. Tons per sq. inch. Material. f tc S ci Compres- sion. bi) G .2 * p. ? cC 0> 02 •S E-t § 1 Steel bars .. .. 45 70 30 9 9 5 Steel plates .. .. 40 — — 8 —‘ I Wrought-iron bars plates 25 22* 17 17 20 20 5 3+ 4 Iron wire cables .. 40 — —— 8 Cast iron .. .. 7+ 48 14 If 9 3 Ash »i 4 4 It 1 i Beech 5 4 —— 1 i — Elm 6 41 t 1 i Fir 5 24 i J i A Oak 61 3J 1 1 i H Teak 5 — 1 1 Granite —— —— t Sandstone •. •. —— It — —— Brick in cement .. 1 i to A 50 lbs. 180 IDS Lloyd’s Kules for Iron used in the Construction of Ikon Masts, Yards, &c. The iron should be of a good malleable quality, and quite free from surface or other defects The iron should stand a tensile strain of 20 tons to inch, and should be capable of standing the followii tests whpn cold without fracture, through the angles under- tbe square ig bending mentioned. Thickness of plate A With the grain .. 25° 30° Across the grain 8° 11° 37° 13° ; 55° \ 65° 70° 15° 1 17° 20° 25° The plates to be bent over a slab, the corner of which should be rounded with i inch radius.